I wasn't far from home so I did get it home ok.
What had happened is I had a set of Crane Ultra Hard push rods in the engine (Boss351). The tips on two of them litterally crumbled off of the tube.
I was lucky to get the metal out of the heads before they got into the oil pan. Didn't have screens epoxied into the drain back holes like a lot of racers do.
Crane apologized and said it was "bad metal" that caused it and gave me a new set.
I thought for sure I blew the engine with the vibration the engine made.
This is the type of thing that over the years as one accumulates experiences, that counts to the knowledge base of ones own data bank.
I had a friend who was a former Prostock racer that I'd ask questions of because of his "intelligence". He once said to me, "thanks but I'm not highly intelligent, I'm just highly experienced".
As far as an unfavorable response manor goes, it reminds me of the film, "Cranky Old Men".