quote:Originally posted by Push1267:
Thanks again. The engine is coming out tonight.
George, although you may be right about the flywheel, I'm not taking any chances by putting a new RPM flywheel back on and installing the engine back in just to find that it's still unbalanced.
I've talked to a local machine shop that can do the balancing work - so I'll be sending the rotating assembly out as soon I've made sure that nothing is wrong with the pushrods, lifters, spring pressure etc.
Also, I need to check the part number of the crank. I did check the harmonic balancer, and it's NOT the same as stated in the build sheets - pioneer vs professional products!! Makes me wonder what crank and flywheel was in it. I'll check the crank - Maybe it's internally balanced- we'll see.
'Way to be a MAN about it Kristian! We're all proud of you! Well, most of us anyway?