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Reply to "Submerged Battery Box"

When you have trouble removing a top-post battery from a submerged mount, get two 3/4 inch 90-degree iron pipe elbows and screw a 6-inch length of iron pipe into each of them. (Both of those items are easily attainable from your local hardware store.)

Assuming that you don't want to get knocked onto your @$$ (or worse) by simultaneously gripping both battery posts, place a pair of children's bicycle handle bar grips over the iron pipe as insulation.

Now, simply place the open ends of the elbows over the posts so that the grips extend over top of the battery and lift it out.

Be advised that the posts of the battery can get seriously scored by the threads inside of the iron elbow, so you may wish to put some rubber tape on the interior of the exposed elbows, but it'll definitely get that closely-fit battery out that doesn't have a handle on it.....