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Thank You, David!

I was in Montreal for the Grey Cup this past weekend and I was (once again) blown away by the passion and hospitality of a fellow Pantera enthusiast: Mr. David Berman.

In addition to finding some great Canadiens seats for me and my friends, David spent an entire afternoon driving me around to visit his cat, a great hot rod shop and then to visit with Gaetano.

Let me first say this ... David's Pantera GT5 is even MORE stunning in person. Absolutely beautiful. I now find myself thinking of what a wide-body cat would look like in the garage next to my '72. This was even more the case when we drove out to see Gaetano's impressive Group 5 conversion. Gorgeous.

It was awesome to meet two fellow Canadian Pantera owners. I hope to hit the road driving with you guys some day!
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