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Thanksgiving Holiday Thought

The Thanksgiving Day holiday will be celebrated in the US tomorrow. It is one of the US's most popular holidays, yet one of the more stressful ones too. Popular because it involves getting together with family and friends, and because it involves a big feast centered around a turkey. Stressful because it involves traveling, traffic jams, lines at airports, planning & cooking that large feast.

This holiday is not very popular with turkeys, however.

The holiday was established in remembrance of the first european settlers in North America being thankful they survived their first year living in the "New World". They were ill prepared to live in America, and would have perished if were not for the assistance of the native inhabitants of this continent, who came to their aid and taught them to provide for themselves. If nothing else, this holiday teaches us that we need the kindness of others to survive from time to time, and that others need our kindness too.

There's a lot to be thankful for. But what comes to mind right now for me personally, are two things. Last night I fell asleep on the couch holding my 1 month old grandson. Now that is just too bitchen.

Secondly, I'm thankful for each of you. My friends that I've been fortunate enough to meet due to our mutual passion for DeTomaso automobiles.

To each of you who read this message, I wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Day, whether you're American or not.

warmest regards, George


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