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The Best Unforgettable Quotes

...Here's a few of My Favorites. I'll start this off with  these...

"NO Sword Cuts as Deep, as the Ingratitude of a Thankless Child!"

"When You Pay Peanuts...You end up Hiring a Bunch of Monkeys"

"Those who drive slower than You, are Idiots...Those who drive Faster are Maniacs"

"Those who Live in Glass Houses...Shouldn't Throw Stones!"

'Let He (She) who is with-out Sin, Cast the First Stone"

"How do You Expect Your Dream to come True...When You don't Even Have a Dream?"

"Far better to be Judged by 12, Than Carried by 6"

'When You head-out to Exact Revenge...Dig Two Graves!"

"Vengeance is MINE, Sayeth the LORD"

"If You do not Like the way Traffic is, on the Freeway...Count to 10. In that time, everything on the Road will have Changed"

Add Yours...Legitimate Quotes Not BS!!

Last edited by marlinjack
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