quote:But my main route will be in parting her out with the quality parts, then scrapping 01447 from the PROVAMO website and keeping the tag for old times sake. Next step is to then find a next project car.
I have had quite some interest in people looking for parts. At least she will be put to good use.
What do you mean by "scrapping 1447 from the PROVAMO website?" It's a registry intended to store information about known Panteras. This is valuable information to ADD to the PROVOMO registry.
If you're looking for another 'project' car, you may wish to hold onto this one until you find your next project car - you may already have the parts you will need for the next project car. Just a thought.
Last, I agree with the others that it's a shame to see a car parted out. The rust/damage pictures don't look that bad. If the rust is contained to this area, I'd recommend fixing it. But then again I haven't seen the car in person and, where there's smoke, there's usually fire. I'm sure Coz found more rust issues elsewhere on the car too - I remove the door strikers plates from the door jambs when I inspect a Pantera and shine a light in there to get a look how sound that area is.

I've seen cars where this area looked like the inside of a rusty ship's hull that had been sitting on the bottom of the ocean for 20 years - can see remnants of metal, but could not make out what they were or where/how they attached to anything else.
Keep us posted.