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Reply to "This Forum Needs Another Funny Thread…"

Two priests are driving down the highway in their high speed parish Pantera and have a flat. They are having a lot of trouble changing the tire when a pickup truck pulls up and a very large man gets out and walks over. He gets down on one knee and lifts the car up onto the other and using his bare hands takes off the lug nuts and changes the tire. He then changes the tire and puts the lug nuts on with his fingers and then sets the car down. The two now slack jawed priests can't thank him enough.

One of the priest's has to ask "Are you sure those lugs are tight enough, just using your fingers?" The big man says "Those lug nuts are tighter than a nun's twat." and he gets in his truck and is gone.

The two priests look at each other and finally one says "you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yes, says the other, you had better get the tire iron and tighten them lugs."
