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Trying to locate the owner of an orange Pantera from 1971 - VIN#THPNLY01716

Hi all. :-)

I badly need a little help from all you clever Pantera guys.
I've just recently startet my Pantera interest and saw a car on eBay which I really liked, but a sale stopped before I had a chance to bid. I no the car wasn't sold, because deserve wasn't meet.

So now I'm looking for the owner (his email or number), this is were I badly need your help.

Here's what I know:
VIN number: THPNLY01716
Owner name on eBay: klewis0379
Country: USA
Color of car: Lamborghini orange
Vintage: early 1971 model
Not a "pushbutton model"

If you know the guy or his contact details, I would much appreciate your help.

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards
Christian Larsen
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