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Turn signal timer?

I was driving a friend's car (not a Pantera) north on a road trip up the Pacific Northwest from San Francisco last year. I found a feature on the car that I would like to try to add as an update to my Pantera. The turn signal switch on his car has a interesting function. It works like any other turn signal switch when you pull the lever all they until it locks (l/r). But, if you pull the lever without allowing it to lock and let it go, it will still flash left or right for 4 or 5 seconds then stop. His turn signal circuit has a timer to allow it to flash for a specific period then stop. This is great for lane changes as you don't have to manually release the switch after completing the maneuver. It also saves from wear our expensive turn signal switch.

So, has anybody made such a device to work on our cars or know of any company that sells one that can be retrofitted into our cars?

Idle hands and an inquiring mind wants to know. Better yet, draw me a circuit and I can build it.
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