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Reply to "Under $35,000, rotisserier restoration, for sale, but not my car"

Yes, sad but true. Invest $100K in your car, and you will be lucky to get approx 1/2 upon sale. However, before you sell, you will have one hell of a car to be proud of, and then cry when it is gone. When you pass $40K in a sales price, options for other super cars becomes greater (not that any of those options are "better" than the Pantera, but they are nice optinos nonetheless). Life is just what it is...Not a complete true comparrison, but for instance, put $600K into your $200K home today, and next week at best you will still get just above $200K for the sale. Percentage wise, this is what many of us do with our Panteras, and then expect to get full value when we sell.