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Reply to "Weber carbs - owners speak out"

Originally posted by PanteraDoug:
There is no IDF manifold for a 351c and the IDA's and the IDF's don't interchange.

Technically Doug, that is wrong, there are at least 2 IDF manifolds that I know of. The first, mfd by Redline of Australia, sits the carbs too high to fit under the engine screen, but is readily available. Its designed for 2V heads. It has a unique plenum incorporated into the lifter valley to act as a vacuum tank.

The second, mfd by Cain of Australia, sits the carbs much lower. Not sure which size ports it has, always assumed they were 2V ports. This manifold is out of production & very hard to find. I've been looking for one. If I could find it, I would probably give Webers a go.

There is a 3rd IDF manifold I have seen on a Pantera GT5-S in Europe, belonging to Kjell Iseborn. I have no info regarding that manifold.

THe IDA is a racing carb, it has an idle circuit & a main circuit, no intermediate circuit, hence the flat spot Dave referred to, hence their fussy nature. The IDF is a street carb, it has an intermediate circuit and is not nearly so fussy. They are also shorter, to fit under the engine screen, and air filters are readily available.

Originally posted by PanteraDoug:
If there was a computer controlled induction system on a Pantera at LeManns in 73 then maybe I'd run it now. But there wasn't.

Like you wrote before, they are a religion. Some religious folks walk on coals & broken glass, sleep on beds of nails, willingly!

He, he, he ..........

Your friend on the DTBB, George


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  • cain___weber
Last edited by George P