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What happened to my Pantera (“funny” history)

I am the proud owner now for 4 months of a 10/72 build Pantera! (I did plan to tear into the car the moment it gets into my garage… I always do that! )

I drove this car, a whopping 1 mile since I bought it… its pretty looking but not perfect, the standard yellow cat like you see on all the pictures like any yellow cat…You really can’t tell them apart… unless you start getting closer… looking under, inside the cab, the frunk, the engine compartment and suddenly there are differences! Setting the cars apart, giving them character, soul and history!

And the more you dive into your car you are wondering what happened - a lot of why’s and who (the hell) did that…

Then again the nagging question about “accidents” … it may had a crash in the front and maybe in the rear….  Or I guess there was just a dent that got fixed… poorly…  checking the welds, hmmm solid welded, not spot welded.. something happened.. or someone do try to better the car, make it stiffer, preventing cracks…  maybe 🤔

dents in the frame “some idiot didn’t know how to jack up the car properly! Oh my!”

Digging deeper … under the dash… why is there a different color… why… ??? There are people who discover the real skin color of their baby this way!
AND the wires.. lots of red and more red and just terminating in space… there must’ve been special sale at AutoZone for cheap red wiring!  
but there certainly was NO sale on grease.. hinges dry … no grease anywhere..  

I would love to hear what you found while working on your car!
I found a lot of weird stuff in my car like a square inside the front fenders (left and right) towards the door that has no paint no undercoating nothing on it… size of a piece of copy  paper.. it seems to be welded in (buttweld) but so perfect and minimalistic.. just wow! But never treated.. who, why, what???


50 Years just don’t pass by without scars, without being touched by more or sometimes less mechanical inclined people …  just the life of a car…..  another thing I found, digging on the internet was that my car was sold , I think it was 2015 to a museum and I bought it with one additional owner and solid 80 (eighty) more miles!  80 miles in 8 years….  Sad!!

tell us what you found…. History…


my Pantera as I bought it! And once I am  done, I  will be able to spot my car in a herd (pack) of yellow Panteras!


but if you don’t have any pics , it’s still OK!!


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Last edited by LeMans850i
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