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Reply to "What ? This has got to be a joke."

Dear Larry. I do remember you telling me about your union affiliation It was my attempt (easy) to draw your ire.

Sadly this is far from a humorous topic. The ILLEGAL immigration issue has been a major problem for decades. ALL politicians are to blame.
It is a political hand grenade that neither party will deal with. They are all terrified to alienate the Hispanic community legal or illegal.

If the friggin federal government would just enforce the laws ALREADY on the books AZ would not have been forced to pass their own legislation. Now AZ can be easy targets of the left (sorry Larry) as racists etc.

It is and always will be about politics. We as American citizens just suffer from their actions or lack their of. Just pawns of the system. Right ,left, Republican or Democrat all just pawns.

Proud Conservative ( Larry this does not equal Republican) AMERICAN

DETOM I hear your frustartion but apathy is NOT a solution. Heck you are a "Volunteer" !
Do not give up no matter what side you lean towards.
This f'ed up country is still the GREATEST nation God has ever created.
(Sorry Canucks but we are.)