@marlinjack posted:...You're a Very Clever Electrician! I think I'll do the same with My Battery Tender. When I disconnected it, after running all night...the Multi-Meter showed 13.1 Volts!!! I also have one on My Harley. Here in the Valley, with the temps 100F+, without the tender, on it, All the time, the battery will go Dead.
...a Question. With the Tender connected ALL the time, but NOT Plugged into the AC...Can the Battery get Drained??
Thanks, Great Work!
Same question I had yesterday… And I did not find any drain with it plugged to the battery, but not plugged in the wall!
I also will make it a habit to use the battery disconnect switch when the charger is plugged in! I don’t wanna drive off with the extension cable attached to the car lol