quote:Originally posted by Cyboman:
When I spoke to them tonight about it they told me yes, your car has been classified as an antique since it was 25, and the rates will actually go down about $10 a year for the next 10 years, but it's not a sudden drop.
In Canada things are not always the same, but my GT40 was valued similarly to my Pantera but cost me almost three times as much to insure. When I asked (assuming that it was a "kit-car" issue, they said the 25 year age was a big drop. Well, this year I opened my renewal and guess what? My rate on the GT40 DROPPED from $1,100/yr to $400 BECAUSE it just became 25 years old and is now an Antique. Not a gradual drop, but a very large (and positive!) drop. Time for you to switch, IMHO (or just sell me that damn thing since you don't use it any more anyway!).
