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Reply to "Will trade for Smart car"

From one who knows David ... He is a great driver who knows his capabilities and the capabilities of his vehicles.

Poping 90 km in a 50 km zone is easy to do even in a Ford Focus, Jeep Cherokee (ask me how I know) or even in a SMART Car !! But, they don't attract the attention as much as an Italian Exotic.

Let's face it. "Des Flics" set up the laser/radar trap in that spot because it was EASY to exceed the speed limit in that place. They knew it would be a great place to hand out tickets. Unfortunately for David, at a moment of inattention and DeTomaso exuberence he got nailed.

And, .... David,

Knowing how you drive, do you really think the result would have been different in that SMART CAR?

What about our other buddies: Driving down the highway. Thinking they are respecting all the laws and rules of the road, When ... BANG-OH they get tickets for not having plates on the front of their cars !! Just as maintenance, repairs and updates cost more - so does the cost of ownership.

We live but once. Enjoy your "Pantera Passion" my friend !!!

