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Winter Storage

I expect the cat will begin hibernation in about a month, and was wondering how others prep theirs for the winter.
I don't have a heated, humidity controlled garage, and the door will be opened regularly.
One item I've been looking at are the car bags that you drive on put in some desiccant, and then zip up to keep out moisture, rodents etc. Do they work? If so, has anyone found a source for these in Canada? Maybe I'm wrong, but it sure sounds like they're little more than a tarp with a zipper.

There are plenty of sites out there with basic steps to store a car (e.g., and it's usually the same - wax, change oil, check coolant, remove battery, raise it on jacks, fill the tank, stabilize the fuel, deter rodents - and some add the extra 'wrap the car' bit.

I've also been advised to put down a sheet of plastic under the car - a pool cover or roll out some vapor barrier to keep moisture from rising up under and into the car. I'd imagine the car bag mentioned above would effectively provide this protection - though I'd be tempted to do both.
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