Doing my research, I found a variety of the zip-bags in the U.S. for about $150-$250, but the exchange rate, duties and shipping costs motivated me look locally. Found a place in northern Ontario that wanted $399 plus shipping, then happened across a Craigslist ad from a lady that's starting her home-based business in Vaughan (just north of Toronto) and is charging $199 for the identical bag - she got my business.
If anyone in the T.O. area is interested, PM me and I can send you her number - I don't mind supporting and promoting someone who's starting a new business and offering a reasonable (vs. the competition) price - and No, I'm not getting a commission for doing this :-)
Also, I put some of those rodent repellent noise thingies in the garage (so hopefully no mice try to move in as it gets colder) plus some traps just to be sure - Great idea!
Now I just want some warm weather so I can get out and enjoy the car a little more before the oil change, waxing, oil spraying, battery removal ... final shut-down begins.
Thanks All for your input - and in the spring, I'll report on how well the zip-bag worked.
Hopefully I don't have to PhotoShop the car