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ZF Oil Recommendation

OK, so I am a new Pantera owner and all I want to do change my ZF oil. So I scan all 39 pages of this ZF forum hoping to get some kind of definitive answer as to the correct weight and type. Nice try.

Here is what I think I heard:
The original owners manual recommended a straight 80 weight oil. Maybe this pre-dated general availability of multi-weights. There is where the concensus ends. GL4 or GL5, with or without limited slip additives. I was looking at the Redline 75-90 and the 75-90NS. There seems to be a Mobil 1 camp and a Castrol camp. The synthetic (maybe more leaks)vs. conventional. So at the risk of opening a big can of worms can I get you guys give me opinions, options and reasons.

My driving is street only, generally conservative with the occasional psychotic breaks. I'm running modestly modified 351C at about 450hp if it matters.

Thansk for the help
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