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Reply to "ZMAX - snake oil?"

Fascinating. Thanks for the link. I had honestly wondered about the stuff. Since I put 'racing' blend in the Pantera, apparently enough 'zddp' to satisfy not investing in the supplement. But I wondered.

Then in the complaint, I read this...

>begin excerpt>

7. Since at least May 1999, and continuing thereafter, Defendants have maintained a substantial course of trade in the offer and sale of the zMax Power System (�zMax�) -- a package of three clear, beaker-shaped bottles of zMax brand aftermarket motor vehicle lubricant labeled �Oil Formula,� �Fuel Formula,� and �Transmission Formula.� The liquid in each bottle is itself clear but tinged a different color for each �formula.� Each of the three 'formulas' consists of 100% mineral oil with no active chemical additives."

>END of excerpt>

That's from the official language. Read the last sentence again. Thanks Shel. And HE sues others for infringement. Sorry. I find egregious distaste and contradiction therein, however unpopular.