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Reply to "What is YOUR opinion of free loading businesses?"

This may be a touchy subject for you, but please feel welcome and safe to speak your opinion.


You asked for our opinions, and assured us we were "safe" if we did just that. So....

I do find myself wondering what you mean by "safe". "Safe" from what? Based on my previous, personal experience, I am a little concerned with what is behind your use of that word "safe".

But I will take you at your word, your Cowboy Code of Honor, that I am "safe" to post my opinions as long I do so in a manner compliant with the website's Terms of Service. BTW, for those that are interested, those terms can found at:


As noted in my earlier post in this thread, your initial post called out un-named "freeloaders", asked for our opinions on the issue, but left it up to us to somehow divine just what a "freeloader" is. I posted and asked you for clarity but received none. I PM'd you asking for clarity and again received none; although you did send a four word PM response.

Since I have received no clarification, I have no basis for an informed opinion on the "freeloader" issue and I therefore find it wisest to withhold comment.

However, I found this in the PI website's "Terms of Service" and think it appropriate to introduce to that topic:

"Vendors are welcome to use the Community News Forum to inform members about Pantera or De Tomaso specific parts or services available. Vendors may post questions aimed at the general forum membership in Alejandro's Neighborhood Pub forum. De Tomaso cars for sale may be advertised in the forums designed for that purpose."


I have noted this thread has morphed to include another topic not initially introduced by you -

How to improve the PI financial situation.

Since this topic diversion has continued unedited, and has not been moved to another topic thread, I assume such discussion is acceptable to this thread and I will add my 2¢.

Let me first say I truly enjoy and appreciate this forum. It is far more active and informative than the POCA email-list. While POCA does have a very similar forum available through their club website, it is a forum that died before birth, and will remain dead until the email-list is discontinued. But I digress.

I admire anyone who is brave enough to attempt to enter the business world with a privately-owned and operated venture. Many (most?) fail, sometimes explosively and sometimes quietly in the night. I'd hate to see PI fall to that fate. With that thought in mind, here are my opinions and suggestions regarding PI's financial situation.

You stated PI carries a $130.00 a month cost for a business telephone line. That seems very excessive in this day and age of very competitively priced cellular phone service. Perhaps there are particulars to your PI business line that justify that amount. Yes, no? In any case, perhaps a day spent researching other, less expensive, telephone line options could find a more frugal provider that would leave money in the PI account balance.

On a related topic, one I know nothing about, could your website expenses be reduced by switching to another provider? Is it possible to self-host your website? If so, would an initial equipment outlay to allow self-hosting result in long-term reduced hosting expenses?

I imagine this forum has members that can answer those questions. If so, please speak up and let George know if he has better options than the current status quo.

The forum's only direct income stream, AFAIK, is the banner advertisement at the top of some pages. Published rates are $100 per ad, per month. There are currently two advertisers. Just two.

From my time as PCNC Motorsports Coordinator, during which I organized five two-day track events at the Las Vegas and Reno Fun Rallies, I know how hard it is to get Pantera vendors to part with any of their money for advertising purposes. The majority of the sponsorship support for the PCNC Speed Trials actually came from club members, NOT the Pantera vendors. Most vendors are well established and well known, to the point where they feel, probably correctly, that their business runs just fine with no outlay for advertising. Might it run better with advertising? Maybe, but I was continually unable to convince them of that during my Speed Trials activities.

George, how recently have you approached the vendors for advertising on the PI website? The economic downturn ten years ago has subsided, things are better for many. Perhaps now some vendors might consider a banner ad that was financially not practical some years ago? What about a smaller, less expensive ad? What about selling an ad that appears every other month? How about offering the vendors a November-December special ad rate? Making ads more affordable might attract another vendor or two, even if just seasonally.

I have always thought PI exists as a separate business enterprise. You and Debbie also have Sespe company as the seller/vendor of your PI clothing, publications and accessories. I visited and found the following:

We maintain Pantera International's online forums (the De Tomaso Forums).

We maintain Pantera International's website.

Now I am not sure what is meant by "maintain", but perhaps that means the Sespe income helps offset the PI forum costs?

In any case, IMHO your Sespe business is SERIOUSLY under-promoted. The ONLY link to Sespe merchandise is on the single home page of PI. I am quite sure I am not the only forum member who signs on to the forum using a desktop bookmark, one that takes me directly to the forums. That means NO views of the home page and no way to select a link to the Sespe merchandise. Even when viewing the home page, the link to the Sespe merchandise is obscurely hidden amongst the multiple home page links. There is a lot of empty space on the home page; perhaps listing the Sespe link more prominently, with some merchandise photos, would increase Sespe visibility on the home page?

But just that single home page link to Sespe means exposure to potential buyers is VERY obscure and limited.

The forums have a separate section for "Clothing, Literature, and Collectables For Sale".

For the past two years, Debbie has made one or two pre-Christmas posts, in "Clothing, Literature, and Collectables For Sale", highlighting the merchandise available through Sespe. Other than those Christmas promotion posts, despite all the merchandise Sespe has available, there has been ZERO promotion of Sespe in the "Clothing, Literature, and Collectables For Sale" subject, a subject that is tailor-made for such promotion.

Talk about missed opportunities!!

George, how about?....

A sticky in the "Clothing, Literature, and Collectables For Sale" subject so people seeking such items can be made aware of the Sespe merchandise without having to find the one link on the home page?

Could that sticky incorporate a scrolling series of merchandise photos? Could scrolling photos be incorporated in a new, more prominent home page Sespe link?

How about a monthly special now and then to quickly move some of the stagnant, overstocked or odd-sized merchandise? Post in both the Pub and For Sale sections for better visibility?

How about more seasonal, Christmas-like Sespe-promotions, perhaps prior to the Fun Rally, or Concorso, when owners might like to attend those events in some new clothing?

How about Sespe creating an eBay account/store/auctions for selling Sespe merchandise?


I sincerely wish to see the PI forum remain available and active for owners and enthusiasts around the world.

To that end, I have presented this epistle of my opinions and ideas in the hope they, or ideas suggested by them, can provide some relief to the financial woes PI is apparently experiencing.



P.S. - Some may be wondering about the word Sespe. The Sespe Formation is "a widespread fossiliferous sedimentary geologic unit in southern and south central California in the United States." The area incorporates the Sespe Wilderness area, the Sespe (California) condor sanctuary and 61 mile long Sespe creek. George lived close to that area prior to moving to Ventura.


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Last edited by lf-tp2511