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I'm running another "Simple Survey" in conjunction with the DeTomaso Registry.
I'll be summarizing data by performing a registry search for 10" Campagnolo wheels on the
As thousands of owners participate in the DeTomaso Registry, it is an obvious source for data like this.

1) Does your car wear 15" diameter, 10" wide original Campagnolo wheels (on the rear)?

This does not include the Group 4 type wheels, nor the GT5-S 10" wide front wheels,
nor any of the Campy Clone wheels.

The goal of this survey is to first determine how many cars still run these vintage wheels.(And perhaps might need fresh performance tires now or in the future.)

I know there are people that own a pair of these wheels, and may have a Mangusta, (Like
Tom Galli), or are running them on a different car (Asa Jay's Mustang?). If you have a spare set of 10" wide Campagnolo wheels in storage, on another car, or as spares, you can also participate.

2) So if you own a pair of these wheels, but can not "ever" run these wheels on the car
you have in the registry, send me a direct e-mail, and I'll count them separately as

To insure that your data will be correctly counted,

Go to:

To check and review the current selection, go to the link above (login as necessary) enter the short VIN of your car to access the update page and confirm or enter your wheel details.

This would also be a good time to update/enter your current tire details, which will be
part of a future survey. (Brand, tire model, and size Example: BF Goodrich, Euro TA

This survey will count how many owners have indicated their car currently wears these 10"
Campagnolo wheels (on the rear).

Results will be announced in a week or so.

Chuck Melton
(The De Tomaso Registry Guy)

If you are not currently linked as the owner of your car, there is a simple process to
update. Send a few photos, include at least one VIN plate to editor1 at
and the system will set you up, or I can help you get set up manually, contact me.

If you have not yet created an account at the registry, now is a great time.
Go to:
Enter your user name (your e-mail address) and create a password
check the box to agree to the Terms & Conditions (basically to do no harm to the website)
and click submit registration.

An e-mail will instantly be mailed to you. Click on the login link in this e-mail, login
and you are now ready to participate. If you don't the e-mail verification your ISP
blocked it.

If you need "Live Human Help" use the contact button at the bottom of a website page.
I can even enter the simple process to add your car for you, except the part where you
create your password.
Passwords are private, and I don't know them, and I can't create them for you.

Best Regards,
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