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George Nitta from Hawaii used to be one of the the major exporters of Panteras to Japan back in the day when they were buying up Hawaii real estate. His infamous $100k Pantera was built for a Japanese land developer who never picked it up. I'll check with him if he still has some old connections
Originally posted by Mark:
OK Team Pantera Canada you guys need to build a plane that could fit all of our cars..! Smiler

We talked it over and decided it was worth doing just for the Miss Panteras... Wink

Having learned from last time, we have decided that we needed to add an on-board libation-delivery service...


Images (1)
  • PanteraJet
Originally posted by Mark Charlton:
We talked it over and decided it was worth doing just for the Miss Panteras... Wink

Having learned from last time, we have decided that we needed to add an on-board libation-delivery service...

HA! That is pretty cool.

Nice video find. It's amazing how many Panteras made it to Japan!
Here's their link to the event. It appears Tom Tjaarda was there, or at least sent them a nice signed sketch dated for the event!:

I count 24 Panteras in the last picture, and there was also a Guara Barchetta there too.

These guys seem pretty serious about their cars. They have some nice Panteras! I've even seen an Si at some of their past events, so be sure to check out there website thoroughly.:

It would be great if they were to become involved with us, so keep trying Peter!

Sorry to have been AWOL these last few days, but I have been busy tearing up mountain roads with three other Panteras in Canmore, Alberta.

I'm hopeful that the contacts that duz185 and RoverLtd have developed will prove successful, but I will not be able to follow up until I get home later this week.

If this works out, we may succeed in expanding the DeTomaso community. Thanks, guys!
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