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Hi Coz, I'm hooking up with four guys from Atlanta on leaving here at an undetermined AM time Wednesday. Going I-40 thru Flagstaff, on to Kingman, and cut-off to Vegas. Probably not what you're asking, as you're in Phoenix. We may be able to hook up in Flagstaff, but I don't want to make promises for the group. We'll certainly see you if you have problems on the way, as long as you can make it to Flagstaff.

There's another guy in contact with me, who is leaving Albuquerque at 6:00 AM. If you want, shoot me an e-mail and I'll forward his e-mail so you can contact him. He's probably leaving a little earlier than us. He's invited to caravan, but hasn't got back to me. Flagstaff is probably 5 to 6 hours from Albuquerque, so he'll be passing there around 11:00 AM or noon.

I have your billet shift knob and we'll put it on your Pantera in Vegas if you like. See you there. Don't get a ticket, Wild Man! Save the adrenaline for the track amigo, unless an opportunity presents itself.... Hahaha!

Cool, thanks Ron. I will probably get there by going through Wickenburg, it's only about 300 miles from my house going this route. Flagstaff would talke me about 120 miles further and at gas prices and 8 MPH, that's a lot. But thanks brother for the thought.

Cool on the shift knob, thank you. No Tickets, can't afford anymore :-) I got one coming home from your house, 93 in a 75. It was criminal speed here in AZ. $185.00, 3 points and a warninmg from my insurance company 1 more ticket within 5 years, they cancel me. Still have 2 more years to behave. (well, most of the time anyway)
Look forward to seeing you.
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