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Originally posted by Mark Charlton:
You're in luck, Marcus, there's a new model out... Big Grin

Please tell me that's Photoshop... fortunately, my smart is cool enough that I don't need the prancing horse version.

On the other hand, if you had not posted that picture, I would never have found the online videos of the smart beating the Ferrari in a drag race. (Search for "smart ferrari"; it's everywhere.)

Because they want it.
Whether they can afford it up to them. There are a multitude of reasons why people build stronger motors: bling, sound, street power, track power. I wanted all of these and wanted to remove my original motor in case I wanted to go back to stock.
Who does anything without having their own reasons anyway?
I've always laughed when people remark "they don't need that". As if what they do/have is the perfect balance. A friend of mine lives in a 40,000 sq ft house with a full 10 car garage ( no Pantera though). Does he need it? He wanted it. He bought it. Good for him.
To each his own. Why do people question that?
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