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I think I may be tired of my Pantera. Not because that it is always broken like many. Just the opposite. I have all the mods I can afford and it is to the point that it is dead reliable. It always starts and runs. Anytime, any weather. I just find no interest in the car anymore. The last few years I have probably only driven the car 100 miles per year. I am not even interested in group Pantera activities anymore.

Of course $3.50 per gallon gas could have something to do with my loss of interest too.
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Not bored with my Pantera.
Yesterday I got off work early, and because the weather forcast called for ANOTER SNOW STORM!!, I got it out and just drove it around for awhile. I know I gave quite a few folks a moment of pleasure on a dismal, gray day. Lots of necks snapping as I went by, a thumbs up from a carload of young women (doesn't happen often), and overheard a group of businessmen discussing the car where I had lunch. Rolled back into the garage just as the first snowflakes began floating down.
The point these difficult OWE it to your fellow man to get that car out and burn up your fair share of that $3.50 gasoline.
Spread hope and joy among the ragged masses!
Originally posted by CrazyDave:
I think I may be tired of my Pantera. Not because that it is always broken like many. Just the opposite. I have all the mods I can afford and it is to the point that it is dead reliable. It always starts and runs. Anytime, any weather. I just find no interest in the car anymore.

OK, I'll give you $500 for it, cash! Wink

Go for another drive Dave. Roll the windows down. Pull up beside some kid in a rice rocket and let it rip. If you're still bored I suggest seeking medical attention. You may have died without noticing it.
My guess is the weather has gotten you down, not the car, so hang in there. If you are the EFI expert maybe you can help. My 73 has Hilborn
EFI and runs great...problem is on the freeway
it has stalled twice lately and acted like it
was out of gas. After it sits about 10-15 minutes, it will start back up. I've had the electrical all checked and it is functioning fine. The fuel pump seems to shudder or vibrate
when this happens and then when it cools down
it will sound fine and start back up. I'm having the fuel filters and fuel tank pickup
checked. I had a problem like this on another car where the fuel pump was too high relative to the tank and when the pump would overheat
it wouldn't work until it cooled down. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Sounds like I need to relieve you of some of your homemade wine. It must be clogging your blood vessels. You can't be serious. Take it for a drive today. Seriously We should consider a trade. Yours for mine. Would give you something to take your mind off things. You know " Idle hands and minds will get you into trouble.'
Carlsbad guy, I think you found your own answer, seems like the fuel pump. Other parts of an EFI system just dont change with heat that way.

As for projects, I have a house to work on, and three other cars to work on. I have two fairlanes, one a convertible, and a Ranger to put a 302 in. Part of the problem with the Pantera here is no one cares. No thumbs up, no comments, no looks. You take it to car cruises and people just ignore it. They give more attention to a VW beetle. Now a showroom new corvette of which there are hundreds in town, those get tons of attention. I really liked taking trips in the car, but 3000 rpm on the highway is just too much. I would love to have taller gears but cant afford the $8 grand trans rebuild.
CrazyDave, no one can 'unbore' you, that's yours and yours alone to do of course. I understand that COMPLETELY, having been through the enthused/bored cycle with many, many cars. Sometimes the bloom just falls off, and that's that. However...

In contrast, I'm more fired up about my car than ever. Did the '3 step' clean/wax treatment (it has taken me DAYS to get this done) for a small, insignificant car show this weekend.

My air finally blows ice cold; my Becker vertical came back with the Ipod feature built in, my clutch is all done. And 'yes' sure as I'm writing this, the Pantera is plotting some future misery for me, but for now - - I'm very pumped about it. Can't wait 'til Saturday morning, cup of coffee, finishing off the engine compartment clean up.

So, you've a right to be bored with the car if you want (though the suggestion of medical attention has merit!) but perhaps a window-down romp will at least make you appreciate the hard work and milestone you've achieved bringing it back.

And if someone out there recognizes the great stage your car is at, let THEM be the new caretaker of excitement.

Go get excited about something automotive again - - it's in your (our) blood, so follow the urge! Enjoy, regardless.
Crazy Dave ... I here ya from your pic we have something in common. 6476 is in the same state as 6825. But I do have 9138 and it keeps my sanity. As of now I;m preping for Pocono. Ever since I dismantled 6476 I said there is no way I;m going to drool for 3 years while I complete 6476 I went out and bought another.
So 9138 as of this moment is being prep'd for pocono ... its not much of a show car ... its in original paint .. which is dam good for 29 years .. and a set of Porterfields, 5 point harness, some racing gas, and a complete once over will not let me miss a few 165 mph passes down the straight at Pocono ... no way for me it makes it all worth wild ... how can you enjoy a car doing 55mph on the street.

Keep the faith clean up some of the project ... and lord knows I have a few also .. but I only dismantle one ata time .. it to depressing to have 2-3 project at once ... and yes the house projects count for at least another 2-3 ... MAN YOUR OVER WHELMED ... you got to shed some of the load .. if its the Pantera be it ..but you got to keep the sanity.


I know where you are comning from, I'm getting tired of spending hour upon hour under a car on a one step forward two steps back track. I keep telling myself there will come a time when there's nothing left to go wrong. But I expect the truth to be like the guys that paint the Golden Gate the time you reach the end it's time to start again.

For me the euphoria of the drive is short lived and is beginning to get lost in the endless maintenance so I have to say I'm seriously considering a change in direction to something that I can just go out and turn the key.

Get a hold of youselves. This is not your daily driver. And who cares if the crowd can't appreciate it? Drive it for fun - just for your own pleasure whenever you can. And don't tell me that you can't find something else in it to mess around with. We all get bored with things but this is no boring car. Put a cover on it and go do something else for a while.

I still can't understand Coz selling his!
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