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WOW...that was almost a Darwin award!!

I was filling up the other day when I watched a kid pull up. He sat in his car for a few moments to finish his cigarette. At this point I'm just thinking to myself what a dumba$$ but to my astonishment his IQ plummetted before my eyes. Yup you guessed it; he threw the still lit cigarette out his window towards the pump I was standing at. I said "Hey, did you just throw a cigarette out your window in a gas station? Are you an idiot?"

He looks over at me and says "Don't talk to me like that, man. You don't know me!!"

To which I replied "I know you through your actions!" He made no comment and drove off without getting any gas.

Sometimes I seriously wonder how the human race will survive when the intelligence quotient continues it's rapid decent....
Last edited by fahrenheit351

I was filling up the other day when I watched a kid pull up. He sat in his car for a few moments to finish his cigarette. At this point I'm just thinking to myself what a dumba$$ but to my astonishment his IQ plummitted before my eyes. Yup you guessed it; he threw the still lit cigarette out his window towards the pump I was standing at. I said "Hey, did you just throw a cigarette out your window in a gas station? Are you an idiot?"

Miles I was at a crowded gas station one time and watched a young lady get out of her car, go to the pump and start it. She then got back into her car(just a note it is illegal to leave a nozzle unattended in Michigan) and lit a cigarette and just sat there smoking it. She then got out of her car with the lit cigarette and started heading back to the nozzle with it. I yelled at her what do you think your doing?? Trying to kill us all? She just looked down at her hand then threw the thing on the ground and smashed it out with her foot. She never said a word to me. Like the saying goes...they walk amoung us.
When I was 16 working at a gas station we had a mechanic that always smoked at the station. Being a smart ass teenager I always told him he was going to blow us all up with his smoking.
One day I guess he had enough of my mouthing off to him and went out to the pumps dumped a little gas on the ground and proceeded to put out his lit cigarette in the spilt gas.

One thing I learned that day was a glowing cigarette alone would not light the gasoline. However after watching this you tube video I have concluded an open flame or spark will Wink
One thing I learned that day was a glowing cigeratte alone would not light the gasoline.

For kicks and giggles when we were kids we used to put matches out in a cup of gasoline. It's the vapor (and oxygen) that burns not the liquid, if you are quick enough you can do it.
Why take the chance? If there is one in a hundred chance would you still take it if your gambling with someone else's life?

One thing I left out of my story was my sixteen year old daughter and my wife were in the car with me. Freak accidents happen all the time. If I made a lasting impression on this kid and he thinks twice next time he has the urge to throw out a lit cigarette (maybe this time he
s on the freeway near some very dry grass and a nice hillside community) maybe someone else's wife and kid will never know what could have happened. the soapbox now.
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