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$700,000 Cizeta seized in OC, may end up in auction. I saw this car at Cars & Coffee in Irvine CA back in October 2008. Nice looking car, but unfortunate situation.

LA Times article:

Three photos I took at Cars & Coffee:
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Totally ridiculous. Looks like the car was in a collection. Not like it was a daily driver 'Focus style car'. So what if it does not meet crash regulations or headlight height. I would understand if it was an emisions regulations and the car was caught on the road. How many kilometers has it been driven since 2001?

Just terrible.

FWIW I will place the first bid at auction and garantee to export it.
"Make no mistake, the illegal importation of gray market vehicles like this is not just a technical violation,” said Miguel Unzueta, special agent in charge for the customs agency's Office of Investigations in Los Angeles."

Make no mistake about it special agent dumbshit, taxpayers would love to dispand your little program and put you back on the breadline. More taxpayer money well spent. They are supposed to be investigating drugs and illegal weapons shipments into and out of the country, not looking for museum cars being driven occasionally on roads. What a load of shit. Fire these idiots.
“Cars that don’t meet U.S. standards are outlawed for a reason. These vehicles can pose a real threat to public health and safety.”

Some of the vehicles I see on the road that DO meet federal standards scare the crap out of me!!
You can't tell me a YUGO or a SMART CAR are safer then that Cizeta. Especially since the Cizeta probably spends most of it's time in a garage.
Just another example of more mindless enforcement of what was intended to be a good law but had a bureaucratic Holy roller put in charge and now just serves to enforce pennants to anyone that is unfortunate enough to fall under their jurisdictional authority.

Now this person is bent on protecting us all from ourselves when in fact the only thing we should be protected from is him or her and the possibility that they could spread their own seed and infect further generations here with their BS.

It's really a pity.
Last edited by panteradoug
They are wasting tax dollars on the stupidist shit. These agents try to find people they can pray on for minor violations with big fines.

Couple weeks ago a State Trooper pulled me over for no seat belt .. I was doing 65mph on the highway this jerk pulled me over and walked out on the snowy highway with big trucks flying by .. and he gave me a ticket .. I asked him was it worth getting killed ... getting out on this busy highway to give me a ticket ?

Too bad the Cizeta wasnt in a shop with a bunch of DRUG DEALERS ...we could have had a big shoot out .. now that would have been news ..
Ron. We live in a society in which government is impotent against real crime for many reasons. In order to justify their own existence and perform a job for which they thought they were hired, they need to make otherwise innocent people guilty of something...just so you don't think that you are so innocent of everything.

Unfortunately a lot of this crap simply comes down to politics.

I was once stopped for making a left turn against a red light. A light that I could not see because I was behind a tractor/trailer making the turn. I presumed that the truck was turning on a green light and it was not.

I was followed into a parking lot by a police officer who was as old as my news paperboy.
In addition to the turn I was also then accused of having illegal tint on my van windows and not wearing a shoulder restraint (with which the van was never factory equipped).

I was lectured by a falsetto midget with a badge who kept calling me Douglas. When I asked for the officer to print his name and badge number legibly on a piece of paper and also the name of his commanding officer, I think there was a detection of a change in attitude by him.

When he asked why I wanted to know his commanding officers name, I said "I want to know why manpower has been allocated to harassing people on the street about trivial laws such as seat belt restraints when obviously the officer in questions is not clear on the laws and why that same manpower could not be allocated towards solving the hoards of unsolved serious crimes like murder?".

The discussion ended abruptly right at that point and the officer handed back my license and registration and said "you have a nice day now and please drive carefully...sir" Wink

There are those that tell me that I have a problem with authority? Not really but I do like to return the favor whenever I can. Big Grin
Larry. I will not argue with the barrel of a loaded gun pointed under my nose, however the rarest thing known to mankind may be my lipmarks on anyones ass.
Having said all this though is that my advantage is that they will never see me or it coming.

Best not to trust the government, any government. They exist for their own purposes and that isn't to be yours or anyone else's friend.
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