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There are illustrated diections in the official Pantera Service Manual (light blue cover, available from the POCA chapters as well as the vendors). Practically speaking, removal only takes about an hour but reinstalling it may take a day or so. I've had ours out twice and the hardest parts for me on a '71-'72 are the tiny snap-on lights that illuminate the wiper & washer rocker-switches in the back, as clearances are minimal with short wires, the dash is bulky and my fingers are simply too big!
Originally posted by Bosswrench:
There are illustrated diections in the official Pantera Service Manual (light blue cover, available from the POCA chapters as well as the vendors). Practically speaking, removal only takes about an hour but reinstalling it may take a day or so. I've had ours out twice and the hardest parts for me on a '71-'72 are the tiny snap-on lights that illuminate the wiper & washer rocker-switches in the back, as clearances are minimal with short wires, the dash is bulky and my fingers are simply too big!

No argument about those clips Boss but for me the thumb screws for the tach and speedometer had to have been done by a super human. Those are super tuff to get back on.
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