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With time on my hands this weekend I had a chance to figure out how iWeb works and build a new site for my Pantera.

It gave me an opportunity to collect my thought, gather info and put it all in one place. I also went thru every invoice to include all the info and part numbers.

Okay - don't even ask what the total is after 20+ years!

Check it out:
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It was easy. I found out who owned it, got info on the guy, then told him I'd get him fired from his job if he didn't transfer the name to me.

He didn't believe me so I called his office and pretended to be his gay lover and threatened to come down there and shoot up the place if they didn't give him a big raise and a better title.

No, actually dude, we're talking Pantera - not Ferrari or Lamborghini. "Anything" Pantera is available. It's wide open.,,,,,, are all available.

Get on it!
Quoting David B: "Driving the Pantera is like dating a Hooker!" I love it. Thanks David! I just got 2 free gig of storage at Anybody can get 1 gig free and that is a lot of space, I put about 8 Pantera picks there and it only took up 1 % I don't have the skills to create like David. But I think just about anybody could put a slide show together.
So once you find an available address, how do you secure it?

Register the domain, which means you've paid for it for a specified period of time, then renew annually. Any web hosting company can register the domain for you. Shop around for the best priced hosting package for your needs. There are a lot of good deals.
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