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So they were in Bankruptcy ... the auction is being held be the goverment ... if I read that right.

If this is the case and Italian Law is similiar to US Law a Reciever will make sure the property and assets get sold for market value to pay off debt. There will be a minimum.

So unless you have 10 million to buy it and sell the property and then you have just them name could produce a car in the USA.

Hey this sounds familiar ... like the AC Cars Co in the UK. AC Cars name is owned by someone who keeps taking orders for cars and not delivering them.

Originally posted by Carbo:
...Spare parts... The museum...The build info for my car...The espresso machine...Maybe all of the above...

Spare parts: Santiago can remain in the parts business if he so desires.

The museum: that was already closed and most of the cars had been sold

The build info for your car: According to Steve Wilkinson Ford has the build info for 5420, not DeTomaso

The expresso machine: Starbuck's has you covered

It isn't sold until its sold, and only then will we know the future. The courts can auction off the property and structures to pay off debt, but not the family name. The name & trademark of Detomaso Modena may not be sold. Santiago could very well set up shop somewhere else and continue doing what he's already doing, working on the Pantera parts supply. Getting out from under debt and the circumstances of the Qvale/MG situation may be the shot in the arm Santiago needs to resume business.

Its too soon to talk gloom, this may be a good thing. Time will tell. Hang in there everybody.
You had me until you mentioned Starbucks Razzer

But seriously, you are absolutely correct about the situation. Things need to move forward. If the name and/or the assets are used properly by people with passion, good things will come of it.

...and you'll have to come up here for a visit and I'll make you a real espresso - not that starbucks crap!
There were 4 generations of AC Cobra's the name was sold 3 times, there are numerous replica companies ... DETOMASO has the best chance of revival that I have ever seen in an automobile co. All of the automobile co's are remaking RETRO models of older versions .. like the Mustang, the Charger, maybe the Camaro, the Corvette has been ongoing .. I think its time for a RETRO PANTERA. My gut is its a money maker.
Nice Starbucks girls. But I would also go for the real Italian espresso. It was the best part of my trip to Modena.

As for the aution, consider this:

If the price got to 8 million Euros and if all Pantera International members decided to take control of some of our destiny, do you realize we could own the company (or enough of it to make a difference) for a contributioon of less than $2,000 each?
OK my $2000 is in on one condition, we gotta hire Santiago. After we buy this old place, then what? Fiat built Ferrari a modern new facility with a big infusion of Euros. Audi built Lamborghini a new facility too. Do our DeTomaso employees have to bang out cars the same way they did 20 years ago?

Italian espresso? Bah! Can't I persuade you to change your mind about Starbucks? ha, ha


Images (1)
  • starbucks_red_head


You can have your overpaid models wearing their over-done body paint while drinking their overpriced, over-roasted grande-venti-halfcaff-skim-2pump-light-caramel-double foam-extrahot-machiato-withjusthalfasplendaplease. I'll be at my place drinking a real coffee. The invitation stands. Wink

ps. Check out the legs on the one on the left - east german speedskater maybe?
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