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A friend sent me the following email this morning...


Someone sent me this nice picture of a Pantera. Do you have those kind of people asking to drive yours all the time?



My question is, does anybody know this Pantera, and if so, what kinda paint is that?? It looks so nice and shiny and metalic looking.


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I don't know the car, but the paint looks like the flip flop stuff that Ford put on some mustangs a few years ago. The story went that the paint was $80 a gram. In the body shop.. you get it ready and the paint rep comes over ...paints the car, and takes anything left with him. When the insurance people found out about the cost, they raised the rates on owners of these specific colors. Now House of Colour and everbody else has it avilable at lower cost. It was just a fad, kinda like the Chia Pet car.
Originally posted by lastpushbutton:
I don't know the car, but the paint looks like the flip flop stuff that Ford put on some mustangs a few years ago. The story went that the paint was $80 a gram. In the body shop.. you get it ready and the paint rep comes over ...paints the car, and takes anything left with him. When the insurance people found out about the cost, they raised the rates on owners of these specific colors. Now House of Colour and everbody else has it avilable at lower cost. It was just a fad, kinda like the Chia Pet car.

HOLY COW!!! Eeker What was the base of the paint?? Cocaine?????
Oh dude, that actualy happened to me about a month after I got the car. This lady from work, who makes the girl in the picture look like a boy, wanted a ride. Then she wanted to drive the car. So I let her. My wife found out and she has hated the car ever since. Now when a sweet nubile young thing gets too interested in the car, I run the other way.
"It looks so nice and shiny and metalic looking."

That comment is so demeaning. The paint is obviously a circa 1985 tanning salon special. It is nice, it isn't shiny, and it doesn't look like metal. The cover is obviously custom fit and probably required numerous measurements to get it just right.

The foreign car is nice too.

Originally posted by terry2:
"It looks so nice and shiny and metalic looking."

That comment is so demeaning. The paint is obviously a circa 1985 tanning salon special. It is nice, it isn't shiny, and it doesn't look like metal. The cover is obviously custom fit and probably required numerous measurements to get it just right.

The foreign car is nice too.


Car?? What car???
Gents, that is not a car, that is the seat covers you are talking about. And yes, I like the seat covers.

As for the paint, those are camelian paint. They are available in two and three color change paints. When they first came out they were only available in whole gallons and must be mixed at the factory. The paint shop could nto mix them. They are actually small tiny prisms of different sizes that make the colors. The cost was about $3000 per gallon. The are now down to around $800 per gallon which is not much more than some shades of red. I think that they still need to be mixed at the factory. Most of the combinations I dont care for.
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