Our next drive will be September 28th and if you've gone to our past drives we always try to make new routes to keep it fresh and exciting.
Turn-by-turn directions will be handed out the day of the drive. We highly suggest bringing along a co-driver for navigation purposes, this will be a 3 hour long drive with stops in between.
Below is the time/address of our meet before the drive.
Time: arrive 8:30AM and depart 9:00AM
Address: 22295 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA
NOTE: We are no longer meeting up in Pacific Palisades.
We are also going to have lunch after the drive at the Coogies Cafe in Malibu, CA at 12PM.
NOTE: Please RSVP via email to eurotopiasm@gmail.com or facebook event (https://www.facebook.com/events/533319103403852/) so we have a headcount of how many tables to reserve.
Time: arrive 12:00PM and eat 12:30PM
Address: 23755 Malibu Road, Malibu, CA
Email eurotopiasm@gmail.com if you haven't before for event notifications/maps.