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Did you Virginia guys know this:

Traffic patrols have long been known as roving tax collectors. But in Virginia, they really are collecting taxes.

"Starting July 1, an array of traffic offenses, from expired licenses to speeding, come with a "civil remedial fee" attached. That means a motorist convicted of reckless driving (75 mph in a 55 zone would qualify) faces not only a fine of up to $2,500 and a year in jail, but a non-negotiable $350-a-year tax for three years. The law forbids judges from waiving or reducing the fee."

This is a trend starting among the U.S. states
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Nothing more than just another way of getting deeper into our pockets.
They can't rasie taxes anyomore than they have without a revolution, so what better way than to gouge people and be able to tell them it's your fault.
The governments just get richer and those that support it get poorer. That's how things work.
We all work for the government, some just get their checks from a different source.
There is already talk of the Gov bring the GA back in on this one, but I'm not holding my breath. As I've written on other forums, the 15 over thing isn't a biggie, but there are a slew of violations where the punishment doesn't equal the crime. Reckless has always been a biggie, so some more cash isn't going to change anything.
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