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Thank you very much for all the help I got from this forum and the guys from Atlanta, GA. I found a Pantera in Omaha of all places and it is now sitting in my garage ready for some TLC. I have started a blog here that covers the story and the particulars should you care to read on:
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Congratulations and welcoem Khan.

You are lucky to live near experienced people...I live in the middle of the desert, literally and figuratively.

Robert, I think in the Pantera community you are as isolated as you want to be. Vegas is 200 miles from L.A. with the bulk of Pantera ownership, you just have to get out and drive. No ones gonna come just to drive up and down the strip, especially as tinsel town has been dumped (at least for now) on the POCA fun rally calendar. So now that car is back better than ever we'll see you in Monterey in August....right? Don't be a stranger any longer!

FWIW I drove 175 miles each way last Sunday to wrench at a Tech session on a Pantera, yes I took the Pantera, yes fun was had by all and I met some new friends.

Originally posted by Joules5:
Robert, I think in the Pantera community you are as isolated as you want to be. Vegas is 200 miles from L.A. with the bulk of Pantera ownership, you just have to get out and drive. No ones gonna come just to drive up and down the strip, especially as tinsel town has been dumped (at least for now) on the POCA fun rally calendar. So now that car is back better than ever we'll see you in Monterey in August....right? Don't be a stranger any longer!

I go to L.A. a few times a year, but I always take the Porsche. I am bummed the event doesn't come to Vegas any more, although I ended up being too busy to go the past two years. I left the office in the middle of the night to see the cars in the parking garage last year though.

Sorry for the thread highjack.

Did I already say congratulations? :-)

- Robert
Already dealing with "unique" issues.

They may be unique to you as a Pantera newbie, but chances are good one of us has been there - done that on either our own car or another owner's car.

Never hesitate to ask for help, information or ideas.

We share readily and freely; especially for the newbie like you.

Misery loves company, you know. Wink

Smiler Welcome to the fun... Owning my Cat has brought me a ton of smiles and a few scraped knuckles.

There are not many cars you can own that someone will hang out a car window at 70 mph to take a picture of. Owning it is like a rolling car show, and the sound... oh the sound.

I look forward to reading your blog and seeing if you have the same issues I had when I winched my car out of a A/C garage 10 years ago it was stored for 12 years.

So Far all of the Pantera owners I have met are very nice and helpful.

Enjoy you ride.

Joe #6656 74L
Congrats on your find in Omaha Khan. Wish I'd known about the car 9 years ago when I got mine - not that far away from me. Between your Cobra & the Pantera (it's the right color BTW!)you should have a blast. Looking forward to your restoration blog on the Pantera. You're lucky to have Mike Dailey so close - he's one of "Da Men" in this Pantera world. Good Luck!

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