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I filled the Pantera with regular at $2.56 per gallon Saturday. I figure that I am saving $12 a tank since I am no longer running closed chamber high compresion heads. I used to have to buy premium and add a bottle of octane boost at every fillup. That stuff is about eight bucks a bottle. Yesterday I filled up my Focus. It says you have to use premium. $2.75 a gallon.
Originally posted by
I find it amazing that the national polls show that the price of gas is of little concern for the majority of people in the US. The sales numbers on the monster SUVs echo the same.


I think it is because the majority of the people think it is a fluke and gas prices will come back down again. If gas goes higher and stays there I think you will find used car lots crammed full of late model SUVs with bargin basement prices. Wink
And I have a friend in Venezuela which the US is their second largest importer ? Gas is .08 cents a gallon. The prices 3.00 a gallon make a lot of sence right ??? In new york they added .05 cents a gallon about 4 times over the years that was to remove the tolls, I still see the tolls. Anyway I still will enjoy my Pantera.
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