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No, this is not a marketing ploy to sell more books. Well maybe :-)

Seriously, I've published the book (and a few others on non-car topics) on Books On Demand. It's the new way of publishing, where I don't have to have any publisher approve my book, I "just" write it, and pay $50 to have it published (and persuade the helpful Mike Drew to edit the Denglish :-)). But this way of publishing also leaves me totally dependant on their reporting systems as to how many books I sell, I get paid an amount per book. Right now I can't understand that their statistics don't show more books sold, because I hear/read about people, primarily DeTomaso related people, buying it.

So, I need your help. If you've bought my book after Oct 1st, please email me the following:
Where did you buy it?
When did you buy it?
In what currency did you buy it?

Wolfgang and Inzowho, I have your info.

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