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Awesome, pretty soon we won't have to walk any more? Now who is going to develop a machine that picks me up out of bed and puts me on my personal mobility machine in the morning? And, I notice that you have to use your muscles to sit upright...I will wait for the second gen so I don't have to do that.

Design flaw: it seams to work best for light (skinny), attractive people. How does it work for the kind of person that thinks walking around the office is just too much effort?

I am just kidding. Don't get angry. I know it would be great for my grandma, or even my mom I suppose.

Awesome tech! And I have always loved Asimo!
I can see it now: collision and liability insurance, police on these hiding behind cubicles with laser guns, UX-3 jackings, hot rodding them, arguing with the service manager at the dealer for a loaner, D. UX-3. I. checkpoints, drag racing, used UX-3 salesmen, 'seater' gangs, UX-3 chopshops, teens returning them scratched and dinged late at night... and so on...

Last edited by cyboman
It would be great for my grandma

I think they have really missed their marketing approach on this. It would be great for people with walking, breathing problems. Not so much for healthy folks.
they would have to offer a model with a bigger seat

And they should make it upgradable. Because sitting on your fat ass all day, that ass is going to keep on getting bigger.

For healthy people, this has about as much value as bumps on a log.

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