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Please keep in mind Beck's talk was based solely on the LEGAL immigration numbers.

Imagine what is in store if you factor in the ILLEGAL immigrants. Eeker

This is not a liberal/conservative issue. It is an American issue and though some of Beck's statements/conclusions may be a stretch, the basic foundation of what he says is solid.

I live in California's Central Valley, and am seeing what this huge immigration is doing all around me every day.

Larry (should have taken Spanish, not French, in H.S.)
Okay I'll play devils advocate:

What about the fact that this country was founded and built by immagrants? (unless you're an American Indian that's everyone of us and our families)

What about "bring us your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses." (but only 175,000/year)

I wonder if this is how the American Indian felt when the Mayflower landed. ("oh $%#@ there goes the neighborhood")

Anyway I beleive something must be done. I'm like Larry in that I live in the Central Valley and I see it getting worse and worse each day.

Hey Larry I too took French "C'est la vie"
There is an argument being thrown around that with the leveling of legal population growth, an ageing population, and the burden our social programs will put on the economy as these folks (me and you) leave the working population...that we need millions of young immigrants to do the work and pay the taxes.
While I can see some logic to this, I think the speaker makes it clear that this is a goal that can be accomplished by careful planning. It is not an argument for open borders by any means.
I was very impressed with the presentation. Thanks for bringing it to us Coz.
Keep in mind ... the TRADES are seeing a great shortage of manpower. Myself I sit on an apprentice commitee and interview young people who have 2 and 4 year college interviewing to be a Plumber and Pipe fitter. Why .. the money and there is a demand for people.

In the next couple years we are going to have the biggest labor shortage since WW2 ... who is going to fll that gap ?? Immigrants ... who filled it after WW2 ... Immigrants.

Where is the shortage coming from ??? Alaskan Pipe Line is shut down, Vegas building boom, NYC building boom, increase in technology, all creates jobs .. whos going to fill that gap when AMERICANS have 2.1 children per couple ... basically 2.1 replaces the couple so ... Americans basical replace themselves ... but the demand for jobs is increasing... the immigrants are needed but not a a rate of 1 million a year .. control.

My 2 cents.
I'm not against immigration and since I have lived along the border from San Diego, El Paso, Las Cruces, etc. most of my life, I have seen the need for immigrant workers, for construction, farming, Landscaping, etc.,etc.. I've found these guys to be extremely hard working and dedicated. But what the video showed, never the less, is alarming.
The presentation obviously hits a nerve, but statistics can be used to present whatever picture is required; I would require some more in depth analysis to form a valid conclusion; for instance, overall population growth and strain on services IS affected by legal but more so by illegal immigration and many of what were illegal immigrants become legal by default because of ridiculous amnesty policies or because they drop a kid on American soil. Maybe I’m cynical because I’m an immigrant….Oh wait let’s use the correct term to lump me and my family in the right bracket… you we are ‘Resident Aliens’.

I live and work in the US on a visa; my company had to prove there was no American available to do my job to get me that visa. As a ‘Resident Alien’ I own my home here, have a healthy salary, pay my taxes and virtually all my money stays within the US. Despite that I have no rights here in respect of being able to stay neither apply for a green card. When my visa expires after 6 years I have to leave, no options. Should I lose or leave my current job I have 10 days to pack up and leave the US and I cannot change employers.

I happen to think that’s pretty strict control, (the old 'one rule for one and another for others') and although you won’t want to hear it, I have to say because of it I have no long term allegiance to the US. That is my perspective as a temporary immigrant, but I believe it is equally valid for many true legal and most illegal immigrants, they want the salary, they want the benefits and they want to send those ‘greenbacks’ to their families over the border or overseas. They simply have no allegiance to contributing to make the US a better place; that is what is lost between the immigrants of the 60’s to 70’s and those of today – Allegiance to the US.

This is now my second time in the US on a the visa, firstly I was here in the same town (Reno) from ’97 to 2000 and I have to say coming back last year was the biggest eye opener to me. How much the US has changed post 9/11, how the Hispanic population has exploded, how what was a quaint gambling town now has weekly gang murders, drug problems, school lockdowns, armed robberies etc. etc. For me the argument is not just the immigrant ‘Numbers’ it’s the ‘Type of Numbers’, all immigrants should be means tested as to their benefit to society, with an additional number of ‘refugee status’ immigrants permitted each year.

When the time comes I will happily head back to Canada; that is my dream, it is a ‘Canadian Dream’, one where I am an immigrant from the UK and where immigration is still a major aspect of growth, but where it is means tested, one where gun control means my son can go to school safer, one where welfare provides equal medical treatment to all. Oh, I know it’s not without its problems and I have to pay higher taxes and it's colder, but if you do the cost benefit exercise I happen to think it’s worth it.

Over rider: The opinions expressed above are those of the author, they are not intended to incite racial hatred or anti immigration sentiment. I love living here in the US, (it’s warmer than Canada and I get to drive my Pantera longer!) but I think the ‘American Way’ stumbled in the road somewhere in the last 5 years, but don’t take it personally, as they say “One person’s dream is another person’s nightmare”.

I think at some point soon it's going to get really ugly.
There probalby will be some sort of great compromise in congress and limit imigration to 1/2 million per year with no particular national quota.
I suppose that is an acceptable number if it comes with purchasing power.
There is no point in just allowing the population to grow at the lowest class.
If one can afford to purchase a home at a nation median of $500,000 and buy two or three new cars at an average of $35,000 each then it becomes a boom to the economy and not a drag.
It all depends upon ones perspective and at what point one needs to defend thier own well being.
How many day laborers do we need?
How many times a week does the grass need to be cut?
We need high qualaty labor here with high pay.
Not everyone can be a banker and add to the GNP by lending out money.
There has to be a signifigant production of durable goods and high demand. If there isn't then it is all over already.
Fortunately minoraties have never really voted in the US in mass. If they did, they would already be in charge.
This can't be the "lifeboat America". There isn't enough room and rations to save the entire world.
Who will save us?
I, too, spent several years living in other countries for the same reason as you. Like you, I learned the languages, followed the laws, paid my taxes and recognized that it was their country and not mine. I went there legally as you have and was equally happy when I came home.
I respect any and all who come here legally and become productive citizens, or visitors, but I cannot accept the idea of 'legallizing' people who are here illegally. If you cannot live by our laws...don't expect protection under them.
You are very welcome Joules and I hope your stay is a good one.
I too was pretty amazed by that video. Clearly something needs to be done. I was also amazed by Al Gore's presentation. I almost went out and bought a Prius after watching An Inconvenient Truth (instead of the big SUV that I did).

Anyhow, I have a question about the immigration stats. Why aren't all those hundreds of millions of immigrants and their offspring paying taxes? Wouldn't all that money help finance the infrastructure we need to support the numbers of immigrants? This isn't Hong Kong. We have lots of room.

Immigration unchecked is a scary picture indeed. But maybe we need to look at what we do (and more importantly what we don't do) with the tax dollars we have. Maybe if we were a little smarter in that regard we could spread the wealth around a bit more, even out the playing field, protect those who need it and help the environment too.

One thing is for sure, Tony Blair's comment that the indicator of a great country is how many want in and how many want out is well proven here. Clearly the people of the world have spoken.

Now we need to have more input in our destiny - a little more "by the people, for the people."
My take on it was that with so many people immigrating into the US, it's a situation of not being able to support them all for all the services that are needed when many do no become productive and self supporting.

What I saw in the message was not so much cutting off immigrating totally, but instead teaching the countries that have the most people immigrating into the US how to have their own Countries better the lives for all that live there. Thus slowing down the immigration situation to the US.

That was my take on it.

Instead of giving a man a fish to eat & feed him, teach him to fish so he can feed himself.
The entire country was built on Immigrants .. I think all the natives are dead or own casino's.

I dont think its the Illegals living off the services because many services are not available to them.

It would be impossible to control another country and expect them to control immigration coming into the US.

A friend of mine is a lawyer who is representing WALMART with their immigration case. He says the first step is taking place already .. the goverment is sending back any illegals that get in trouble.. they are waiting outside the courts and prisons .. they escort them right to the airport and send them home.

So think of it ... its the opposite of when Castro sent all the Criminals to Florida back in the 80's. The goverment is keeping the law abiding Illegals .. its a good start.

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