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Response from cavallinorampante4me
Item: Other Makes : Detomaso (4565068065)
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cavallinorampante4me is the seller.

Thank you for the compliment. It belongs to Jerry Pentaleri, a pretty well-respected Pantera enthusiast throughout the southeast. I can attest personally though, this car is a blast (scary fast).

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Item name: Other Makes : Detomaso
Item number: 4565068065
End date: Aug-06-05 08:55:24 PDT

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Jerry showed up at my house in April and rode with me to the Vegas track event. He's just already done everything he can do to his Pantera there is that can be done. He bought it to work on it and tinker with it and play with it. He trailered it in an enclosed trailer to Vegas from the East Coast. He drove it around the track a few times and put it back in the trailer and took it back home. I think the thrill is gone, but maybe not the emotional attachement. He'll miss it later, I'm sure. In his words: "I reached the saturation point, Ron" and I hope Jerry gets another sports car which will invigorate his enthusiasm again.

I believe he just likes to take mechanical things and make them better. Take them up to the next level, apply his mechanical expertise, and when the project's completed, well, that's the end of the project. Maybe it wasn't for the purpose of driving it so much as learning and and making it more perfect.

This Pantera has probably 10 hours labor for every mile on the odometer, and that was the fun part for Mr. Pantelari, the application of knowledge and experience to his Pantera.

Mr. Pantelari, I hope we'll still see you at the upcoming Vegas track events, sir. It was a pleasure crossing Hoover Dam with you for the first time for both of us. And I still think you should have stuck your upper body out the window of my Pantera to have a better look while we were going at a walking pace. It was good to have your laughter at a stupid joke. I also hope you find another car which stimulates your inquisitiveness, Amigo. May your curiosity, inquisitiveness and initiative always be with you my friend.

Best regards,
Ron Norman
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