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Hi all,

Some of you know I have a special needs grandson who lives with my wife and I. He has a host of issues which have been creating some very difficult and time consuming problems since mid December. Just an FYI so everyone knows what most of my time is being directed to, here is a movie link that is worth a watch---this is how Alex my grandson suffers everyday---but there is hope. I am not looking for sympathy just passing on a bit of info to those who may be interested. Most of you may know someone with Tourettes, OCD and ADHD and never new it---great movie---well worth a look.

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What a great Grandpa you are, Kirk! Keep up the good work.

It's reverse for me- my three brothers and I deal with a Dad who isn't the same Dad we were raised by (mentally). It's like dealing with a teenager in reverse... Some days are better than others. I have great love for him and that gets me through the tough times. It is my desire that my own children will observe this and treat me with kindness later in life.

Thank you all for your kind words. I'm sure there are far more difficult problems some of us face every day and I salute all of you who continue to fight the un-pleasantries life tosses your way.

My grandson has taught me far more about what's important than any one thing from all of my past. He is my hero!
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