This is getting to be a weekly thing around here...
My friends, two of our DTBB brothers have promoted in Karma level this week.
Larry, LF-TP2511, has 201 posts which puts him in the "experienced" level. Congrats Larry.
Dennis, 4NFORD, has 301 posts and is now a "pro"! Dude, Dennis, congrats.
There are two types of folks who belong to the DTBB, those that mostly "lurk", seldom or never contributing. and those who actively participate. The number of active participants is growing. Activity on the DTBB is up.
The more each of us participate, share our expriences, the better the DTBB becomes. And the more of a community we become. And the greater our experience in owning the Pantera becomes. Where else can you find a soul with a common passion, anytime of the day, any day of the week. Like everything else in life, you get out of it, what you put into it.
Larry and Dennis exemplify this. From my heart, thank you Larry & Dennis for your contributions to the Pantera/deTomaso community of owners. I enjoy hanging out on the DTBB with you guys. Thank you for making the DTBB the "hip" place for Pantera info, and an entertaining cyber-place to hang out.
everybody raise your glasses and toast our friends! CHEERS
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