thanks for inquiring, I appreciate that very much. Of course credits for the photos are always given their proper due. I'm always looking for quality content for the magazine.
I need the pictures in as large of file size as possible, uncompressed, I prefer JPEG, TIFF or PSD.
the pictures can be e-mailed to me at george@panteracars.com. I don't know how many pictures you're talking about, but the important consideration is to keep the size of each e-mail below 10 megs, or the e-mail system will reject it. Sometimes it takes several e-mails to forward a number of pictures.
the other way to get pictures to me is to mail a CD or DVD to:
Pantera International
330 Central Ave #25
Fillmore, CA, USA 93015
Either way, please include the name of the photographer as he/she wishes it printed in the magazine, plus a mailing address where I should mail the photographer's copy of the magazine.
thank you, George