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A Japanese company ( Toyota ) and an American company (Ford) decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River . Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race.

On the big day, the Japanese won by a mile.
The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action.

Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 8 people steering and 1 person rowing.

Feeling a deeper study was in order, American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion.

They advised, of course, that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing.

Not sure of how to utilize that information, but wanting to prevent another loss to the Japanese, the rowing team's management structure was totally reorganized to 4 steering supervisors, 3 area steering superintendents and
1 assistant superintendent steering manager.

They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 1 person rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the 'Rowing Team Quality First Program' with meetings, dinners and free pens for the rower. There was discussion of getting new paddles, canoes and other equipment, extra vacation days for practices and bonuses.

The next year the Japanese won by two miles.
Humiliated, the American management laid off the rower for poor performance, halted development of a new canoe, sold the paddles, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment. The money saved was distributed to the Senior Executives as bonuses and the next year's racing team was outsourced to India ..

Sadly, The End.

Here's something else to think about: Ford has spent the last thirty years moving all its factories out of the US , claiming they can't make money paying American wages.

TOYOTA has spent the last thirty years building more than a dozen plants inside the US . The last quarter's results: TOYOTA makes 4 billion in profits while Ford racked up 9 billion in losses.

Ford folks are still scratching their heads.

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You hit it on the head .. it a Management thing .. The Janpanese Management eat dinner together .. The US worker runns from work ... In the US too many companys have Stale Management that do things like they have done them for 50 years. I live in an area where I belong to a local Contractors Association. I have lived in my area for 40 of my 41 years and these jerks still think of me as an outsider because I worked in NYC for 15 years .. these jerks are running a dozen of the local companies.

Very simple ... the work force will do what you tell them to do .. if you dont tell them what you expect and give them the tools to work hard .. shame on you.

Ford & GM need to get the work force to think productivity and think in minutes not dollars.

A UNION PIPEFITTER in NY cost 1.71 per minute.

I dunno folks. There’s more to this than meets the eye.

A typical US boss / manager makes something like 40 times what a typical worker make. But a Japanese boss is restricted to something like 8 times. It’s ZEN. It’s not about the individual.

Our ambition and entrepreneurial motivation that many of us grew up with is unknown in Japan and surely not promoted there.

As successful as Toyota may be compared to Ford (today), they only copy what Henry created. And do it more cheaply. Not hard to figure why, since they earn less, have less benefits and a lifestyle that is not what we have become accustomed to.

Like it or not, the greatest country in the world is great in the inventions we produce. Look at the junk the Japanese carmakers produced for so many years. Henry made a profit and kept America working for 100 years. The Japanese are having a few good years.

America seems to create and go home. We leave the rest of the world to knock off our inventions cheaply and collect royalties where we can. Manufacturing is not the American powerhouse it once was, because of the high cost of living well and treating employees right. As long as this fact remains we are doomed to be inventors and creators - not manufacturers.

Look at how well Toyota has been doing in F1. The largest investment produces the weakest results. I am not impressed. And I will never knock the American way even if we lose it from time to time – and even though I am Canadian.
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