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I saw a flier from Hall Pantera that had a picture of a car with Cobra R wheels and thought it looked pretty cool. I used 17"x9" aftermarket replicas w/245 / 40ZR17 in front and 285 / 40 ZR17's Goodyears in rear. The fronts fit w/o any problems the rear required longer studs being pressed in and also an aluminum spacer that is I believe an inch and half thick. Hall wanted 2250 for the package wheels, tires, spacers and studs. Their price was for true ford chrome wheels and they were out of stock when I called. They thought the price would be higher when they were available again. I paid $500 for the 4 wheels 850 for the tires w/ mounting and balancing and I think 200 for the spacers, longer studs and center emblems. I am happy with both the looks and performance so far although I have an as yet unresolved Speedo error that may be related to the fact that the tire diameter is about an inch and a quarter smaller
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