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I have started to restore my pantera and have decided to start with the headlight doors.First thing is to totally tape the lid,then cut along the edges(onthe inside).Then I carefully removed the tape from the lid and applied it to a piece of hardwood(maple or oak is fine)Then cut the shape using the tape as a guidline.I then had a peice of steel cut and traced the shape on it leaving 1/2 overlap for the lip that folds inside.Clamp the steel on the hardwood and start to fold the lip down using a bodyhammer.That's how far I got today now tomorrow I will start to shrink the edges to get the compound curve .I am sure there are other ways to acheive this but I have limited tools so by going this route may be useful for others.If you are interested in the final results just let me know and I will post more pictures as I continue
Thanks Sam


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  • pic_headlight2
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