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Hello everyone,

On April 23rd, 2008, I suffered a heart attack at the age of 56 when I was in Las Vegas with my girlfriend (common law wife of 20 years) for her family reunion with her relatives from Las Vegas, New York and Florida.

18 hours and $56K dollars later, I was released from the hospital. If you are going to have a heart attack, the best place on earth to incur one is in Las Vegas. The lifestyle is so unhealthy there, that city has attracted some of the best cardiologists in the world to practice there. The very good news is that my insurance covered the entire doctor and hospital bill with the exception of a $500 co- pay.

Having survived near death, I put together my bucket list. There was only one item on it.

I want to own a Pantera.

In October of 2008, I purchased #5606.

Now I have a Pantera ownership issue.

A couple of weeks ago, I looked at #5606 sitting in the garage and thought to myself, the thrill is gone. It is time to get rid of the car. Mentally I had accomplished what I had set out to do.

I bought a nice car, enjoyed it, and now it was time to cash in and move on.

How could I possibly explain to Lois that a lifelong dream of owning a Pantera is not important to me any longer?

Thinking about it almost caused me to have anther heart attack.


This morning, I opened up the garage door any stared at the Cat. The aesthetics of the car are unparalleled. I turned the key and fired up the Cleveland. The noise from the motor cannot be duplicated. I drove onto the highway, sitting inches off the ground and thought to myself that this visceral experience cannot be duplicated.

I looked in the rear view mirror and saw cars on the freeway that reflected the trends of the moment-a BMW X5, a Cayenne S, a Chrysler 300 and the ubiquitous Toyota Camry. plus lots of other non-descript cars were on the highway.

I stepped on the gas without even needing to downshift and took off at a high rate of speed.

The Pantera is still my dream car and I have no intention of selling it for now.

I figure that in about 10 year’s time, I will put the car on the market and the new owner can (hopefully) post on this message board how the ownership of their dream car came to be.

To everyone, I am sorry for this long winded post, but I just had to vent.

Live long and prosper.

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We saw you on the road this morning exercising the cat. When you rumbled by it brought a smile to both the wife and myself. Made me want to turn around and go home and take mine out.
Looked like you were driving with a smile! It is always amazing how a nice drive in the right car can make your day, week or month that much better if even for just those few minutes that nothing but that drive and car is on your mind!
Continue to enjoy your great car.

See you on the road!

That story was inspirational and made me pause to think about the true value of the Pantera (and it isn't money)
There are millions of cars out there that all look and sound the same, and they're busy picking up loaves of bread and dry cleaning. The Pantera on the other hand, is sitting there waiting to take you for a ride, that's what it does, and it does it so well!
The beautiful thing is that while she may be a bit stubborn at times, when you get out and drive her, not only is she putting a smile on your face, but she's also putting smiles on the faces of every kid you drive past and adding something special to their bucket lists!
If you do decide to let her go in 10 years, I want to hear what's new in the bucket list!

That's a great story. Always glad to hear a happy ending.

I think you hit the nail on the head and maybe didn't realize it. The thrill of Pantera ownership fades if you don't drive it.

We all make that mistake. Over and over. we clean and polish and gaze at it in the garage. Day after day. But unless you get in and drive, you forget why you got it in the first place.

Thanks for the reminder. I've never driven my car as much as I am now. And owning the Pantera is that much more enjoyable.
Kerry, Glad you have re-lit the flame. I have only had my car for a week, even though I have been part of this community almost a year, the cars are the key (unique, rare, special) but the glue that makes it all very special is the quality friendships and mentoring that comes along. I can't count the times friends and guys (on this forum) I've never met have given me that little (some times big) spark to go that extra job or go to the next level.

You have to keep things in that bucket list, flirt with it, taste it, just don,t go out and buy it. The quest will keep you alive. It doesn't have to be big or expensive it is the journey that is important. Smiler

Glad to hear your health continues to be good and you’ve rediscovered your Pantera. A great story!

In June I’ll be starting my 12th year of ownership and I’ve never had thoughts of selling. I think one of the things that keeps the Pantera passion going is getting to know other owners in my area. We aren’t organized through any national organization just a bunch of local owners. Nothing cooler than a pack of Panteras lined up at a car meet and one of our main hangouts is the Atlanta Donut Derelicts that we created. It’s been a great ride and I hope to enjoy it for many years. 1887 and I have gotten to be old friends!

When a rock put a big chip in my windshield, it broke my heart. When another rock took a chunk of paint off my hood, right down to the bare metal, it broke my heart. But, I still drive it every chance I get. I'm not terminally ill, nor have I had a near death experience, but this car has been a dream of mine since I was a teenager. Never, EVER, let go of your dreams and when one of them comes true, enjoy every moment.
Doug M
Originally posted by INZOWHO:
Never, EVER, let go of your dreams and when one of them comes true, enjoy every moment.
Doug M

I got the message loud and clear. Smiler

Originally posted by SICK CAT:

If I'm out not only am I enjoying the machine, many others are too and I get a kick out of that!


It's true, other folks seem to get a kick out of the car. I was exhausted answering questions on opening night at Cruisin' Grand about the car. I can only imagine what June 19th will be like when Pantera is the featured marque.
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