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I just want to say hi to you all members of the forum,and introduce me and my cars.Some of you i have been in contact with before,and i like to give a special thanks to Jim(Coz),John(Johnnyalki) and Mike Drew, who have helped me so great SmilerIm a 40 year old man living in Furnes,Norway.Im married and have 4 children.Im educated as carmecanic and carelectrisian,and thats my occupation today.The love affair with everything having a engine, started when i was a young boy,but the first pantera i saw,a blue GT5 at a cardealer when i was 18,stunned me so much(and still does)so i knew i had to have one one day.The first pantera we bought was #2293 from Arizona 4 years ago.Although a runner with a little help,the car have some rust issues to bee dealt with.This car we are planning to restore in sections,so that we can use it in the summers.A year ago we bought a collection of panteras(#2582 and #6383) and parts in varius condition here in Norway.#6383 are a GT5 clone body in very good shape,in need of assembly and some new parts.#2582 are a very rusty car,but together with a partsbody, we have had it out for sale and have a buyer for the project now.But right now our place are filled with cats SmilerI try to attach pictures.


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  • pantera__2293
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Thanks Dennis and Jim SmilerI will hopefully see some time to participate with more postings and pictures the time to follow.Just like you Jim i had to make a hard decision as a familyman lately.I have been running my own car repairfacility for the last 10 years,but with too much time spendt without any good outcome of it i had to say that enough is enough.I was offered a job as the one to make the new cars ready at Bilia(selling Volvo,Renault and Landrover) and said yes to that.A good job,but hey now i had to work 29 hours a day in the beginning.I had to learn about programming of cars and whole lot of new things,so i have been busy,but feeling on top of it now! Best regards from Øyvind
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