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It was a beautiful afternoon in Atlanta with below seasonal temps in the 70s. A great day to take the Pantera out for a drive.

As I am driving around I notice that maybe half of the owners of convertibles have the top down. Some have the windows down but not the top. The few that have the top down have their side windows up. This is not unusual in Atlanta. My question is why own a convertible if not to enjoy the reason most bought it for?

Why would you pay more for a car with poor visibility, ugly styling with the top up and not enjoy it every chance you get? Hell, it is not like the old days where it was a small pain to take the top down. Today, most of these cars are a simple couple of latches and a push of a button.

Is this just in Atlanta?
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C’mon Mark, you most be getting old .You live in Jersey ! Summer with temps 70+ are for what a few months? Unless you are in stop and go traffic you have a lot of breeze (even if hot).

I grew up in Cleveland. The convertibles/and targas I had would always had the top off. At 40 degrees I would put the heat on. In the summer a ball cap to keep the sun off.
I had a convertible and I too rarely got to enjoy it. There were about eight days a year when it was not too hot, not too humid, not raining, not too cold...

I'm north of Jersey, and trust me, in the north-east it gets VERY hot and humid up here. Either that, or I too am getting old. Smiler
I've had 4 convertibles in the past & like some of you the top went down in the Spring & didn't go back up until it got cold in the Fall. Only exception was when I was caught away from home in a rogue thunderstorm once in a while. Have to admit that some of them were not daily drivers however.
I have a '65 Mustang Convertible (which is on Ebay right now - shameless plug) and it doesn't get driven unless the top is down. It also doesn't have AC which seems to be important to some people. My argument is, if you don't like heat, maybe a convertible isn't really for you.
Growing up I had a couple of converibles. The season for those cars in Ohio is a little limited so I enjoyed every day it didn't rain. I remember many evenings (nights )with temps in the low 60's driving home: top down-heater in the seat going- car heat on full and a jacket. Those were some of the greatest rides! For me there was nothing like the roof down. I just can't understand spending the money to have the top go down and not using it all the time!!
I have a Mustang Cobra convertible. When I take it out of winter storage April 1st, I put the top down. It stays down until I put it away November 1st.

Aside from to odd heavy rain, the top never goes up. My rain gauge is the cup holders - if they fill up then I put the top up.

As for the side windows, they are always down too. And on hot humid days, there's nothing like the sun beating down on you while the A/C washes cool air all over you.
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